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Susan Bott's Video Channel

See all of Susan Bott's Tuesday Tips on our YouTube Channel.


Room Tonic's Tuesday Tips - Week #82


What’s the best way to get a correct measurement? Lemme tell ya!

#TuesdayTip #TuesdaysTip #TuesdayTips #TuesdayTipsAndTricks #MeasureTwice #AvoidMistakes #RenovationMistakes #CarpentryMistakes #DoItRight #InteriorDesignTips #InteriorDecoratingTips #TricksOfTheTrade #TradeSecrets #MeasuringTapeFail #HomeRenovation #HomeUpdates #DIYTip #DIYTricks #UseTheRightTool

Room Tonic's Tuesday Tips - Week #81


Tuesday’s tip! How can you save thousands on appliances? I got you covered

#Tuesdaytip #Tuesdaystips #Tuesdaystip #HomeAppliances #Dishwashers #Refrigerators #Freezers #Ovens #RenovationOnABudget #KitchenRenovationOnABudget #BathroomRenovationOnABudget #RenovationBudgetTricks #RenovationBudgetTips #HowToSaveMoney #ScratchedAndDentedAppliances #OutofBoxAppliances #NothingIsPerfect #KitchenUpdate #BathroomRenovation #Lowcost renovations #CostConscious #HomeRenovation #HomeRenovationOnABudget#GetItCheaper#DamagedGoodsAreGood #SecretsOfTheTrade #SaveMoneyOnYourAppliances #CheapYankee

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